payton and sawyer are two of the luckiest kids i know. they have so many wonderful people in their lives that care and love them. i find it to be truly amazing and appreciate the love more than i could possibly put into words.
they have many special, important people in their lives and three of those people came to visit them today! we were SO excited to see grandma susan, aunt emily and one of my 'moms' nancy! these three ladies helped our family so much during those first three months of payton and sawyer's lives. i don't know what i would've done without them.
the babies were so happy to see them. sawyer talked a bit and smiled a lot. payton rolled over a couple of times for them as we clapped! they showed off for them :D i think they thought if they kept entertaining them .. then they would stay and not leave hah. mommy was hoping for the same thing (: i enjoyed seeing them so much. they mean the world to me and i'm so blessed to have met those wonderful gals. i hope they stay in our lives forever. now i just have to get one of our other favorites, katrina, out here!
i called my bestie today and we talked for awhile. we're heading back to work around the same time and i'm so excited to be able to see her everyday. imagine being able to see your best friend everyday .. lucky! hannah, rion and bentlee are going to come over one night to grill out and maybe watch some movies or maybe hit up the wii and of COURSE take 805973057 pictures. i've got to get my picture board all set up for work. i didn't get a chance to spend much time with bentlee when we were at the doctors last week so i'm excited to see and snuggle him. they are going to stay the night and i'm just really excitedddd!
i was suppose to call and schedule a hair appointment on sunday but i keep forgetting. i WILL call tomorrow. my hair. not even going there. i'm pretty excited about getting it done though .. mainly because i get to see susan hah. that's the only reason i'm not putting it off.
my birthday is coming up on august 26th. it's a thursday and i'm not sure what we're going to do. i would like to have a few people over or something. we just live so far away from everyone i hate to ask people to drive all the way out here. ''/ i'll be twenty-seven. good gracious. i just turned twenty-one last week!
jarrod and i decided to take the babies out in public the other day. i had anxiety the whole time. up to the point of questioning to go home or not while getting out of the car. they haven't been anywhere besides the ICN, the special care clinic, and JMA. i'm still a little scared from taking them out. a woman sneezed in the store and i almost passed out. i'm not sure how long it'll be before i'm willing to do that again. [we went to babies r us at southpointe] and RSV season will be starting in a couple of months .. so they DEF. wont be going out in public then. i've never really been a big person on germs and people sneezing etc .. but once you have two preemies .. that changes big time. i might take it overboard .. but i can't let these babies get sick if i can prevent it. i will prevent it as much as i can. they're my life.
tonight will be the first night i'm not putting the pulse ox on paylou. she got some kind of red spot on her foot from it being on there from 2am to 6am. i don't know why .. but now i'm worried about putting it on her. i probably wont get much sleep tonight. she looked like she was going to throw up everywhere when i laid her down and swaddled her .. so i picked her up and she's laying on my chest while i type. sawyerbug went to bed when jarrod did at 11.
tomorrow is payton's eye exam. sawyer doesn't have to go back for a year so i know he's more than excited about that. again .. i will emphasis .. i hate going there. well .. i hate it for her. i'm praying it'll be the same for her tomorrow and she wont have to be seen again for a year. pray, pray, pray. me and the eyes ..
is it silly that i'm already getting excited over Christmas this year? it's going to be the most special Christmas yet. every year is special .. but this will be the first with the twins. ahhh-mazing. and then it'll be their first birthday before we know it. their party is going to be wonderful. you know i've already got my brain in motion thinking of themes and what-not. poor husband. i'm going all out :D
here's some pictures from today!
grandma susan & sawyer.
aunt emily & sawyerbug
sawyer smiling at grandma susan!
my ladies, babies & i (:
this picture makes me smile!
my nancy was finally able to get payton to nap!
sleeping good .. in good arms (:
it was a wonderful day with wonderful people (:
ohh and just a PS.
we love these face wipes :
but they are a little expensive .. especially the way i go through them. jarrod picked up these today when he went to the store to get neosure :
i used a couple tonight and i LOVE them. they are new and they smell wonderful.