Sunday, July 11, 2010

crazy morning.

i must tell you guys about my morning a few days ago. jarrod is back at work now and he either goes in at 7:30-2pm'ish or 12-6ish .. i love when he goes in from 12-6 considering i don't get much sleep throughout the night .. it helps to be able to sleep in a little and have the help in the morning.

this particular morning he left early. but we'll start our story out around 4am. when jarrod is home he helps with sawyer and i get payton. well .. she was having a pretty good night .. i fed her every 3 hours. she woke me up around 4am and was hungry. i went to the kitchen and grabbed her bottle out of the fridge and brought it back to the bedroom to warm it up [i have a bottle warmer on my bedside table]. while it was warming up i changed her and got her all ready to eat. she downed her bottle and burped and was good to go. i got up and walked into the nursery to get a pacifier wipe [i'm paranoid] .. because she likes to fall asleep with her binky and seahorse .. as we were making our way into the nursery she vomited EVERYWHERE. when i say everywhere .. i mean everywhere. it was all over her onesie, face, even got in her eye [ how that happened still amazes me], all over me .. running down my leg and then of course a puddle on the floor. i got her on the changing table and cleaned my sticky girl up and undressed/changed/dressed and back in bed. she usually acts hungry after one of these fun times but she just went on back to bed. 3 hours later jarrod was up and getting ready to head out the door. sawyer woke up and was hungry. i grabbed him and went to the kitchen to get his bottle ready and changed him while waiting for it to warm up. i heard payton waking up and crying and knew she was hungry as well since it had been about 3 hours and especially because she had thrown up most of her previous bottle. i got her a bottle out [they are on different calorie formula] and warmed hers up in the bedroom. i propped sawyer up with his bottle and he was good to go. [he's such an easy eater .. i think the boy could eat upside down if you'd let him] and i picked up payton to change her and start feeding her [you have to pay more attention when she eats]. sawyer was doing a stellar job of finishing off his bottle and i could tell that payton was pooping while she was eating. i waited for her to finish the number deuce and then burped her so i could go ahead and change her because she is one unhappy camper with poop in her pants [ i mean, i would be too ] as i was burping her i noticed it was all over her onesie! this was a blowout. by this time sawyerbug was done with his bottle and i knew i had to burp him quickly so i put payton down .. poop and all .. and burped my sweet boy. he's a champ and did it quickly .. he knew mommy would appreciate it greatly and got him happily in his swing. i pick payton back up and undress/change/dress her [again] and notice sawyer had milk coming out of his nose! i put payton in her swing and got sawyer and cleaned him up. she fell asleep. i could tell sawyer needed to be changed so i went into the nursery with my boy. as soon as i opened his diaper he started peeing. peeing on his leg. peeing on his onesie. peeing on the changing table cover. peeing everywhere! i finally get the fountain under control and changed his onesie and got him all snuggly in his swing.

this happened from about 7am to 8am. it was amazingly crazy. massive poop, throw up and peeing everywhere all in about 4 hours time. i knew the rest of the day would be smooth compared to this .. so i was happy :)

we had a good day today. i haven't been feeling so great the past couple of days .. really bad headaches and just overall feeling bad. i should go to the doctor but there's a couple reasons why i can't. number one is no time lol.

my in laws came by today and kristen && jonathan. jonathan took some pictures of the babies which made me really happy. i hadn't showered in like a week [i do, however, take a bath every night .. however .. showering entails having to blow dry and flat iron my hair and that takes too much time] so i opted for 'please no pictures of me' today. on the bright side .. i did get a shower this afternoon after everyone was gone and babies were asleep! we had a nice time and both babies stayed awake the whole time while they visited.

i'm praying jarrod goes in at 12 tomorrow. especially with me not feeling well ''/

tuesday is the twins' eye doctor appointments .. they are horrible because they scream and cry the whole time. i hate it.

wednesday [aunt] jenn and maybe [grandma] susan are coming by to see the babies. i'm so excited! :D

that's it for now. i'll post some pictures hopefully tonight that jonathan took today! i'm just waiting for them (:


  1. that's so funny... eden is the same way about her poopy diapers... when she's done, the whole neighborhood can hear her scream until that thing is O.F.F.!!! haha

    even as rough as it can be to have days like that, it makes you appreciate the good ones that much more!! :)

    i enjoy reading your posts... keep 'em comin'

  2. Holy Crap those 2 keep you busy! I love the way you write, you can tell that you're such a patient mommy with all the messes and diapers. 3 kids are a lot of work, but i'm imagining twins are MORE!! :) I'm so glad you have a blog!
